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Envomed’s groundbreaking solution is great news for hospitals needing effective treatment for medical waste. Most hospitals transport medical waste for incineration or burial of the waste at remote sites. However, this practice may potentially endanger the entire population and spread infections outside hospitals. It may also result in the leakage of patient information and failure to protect their privacy.
Envomed’s innovative solution for the treatment of hospital waste delivers full confidence in eradicating infections, protecting the environment, and most importantly, providing significant financial savings. Hospitals that have begun implementing Envomed systems alongside existing solutions are making repeat purchases and are switching to waste treatment using Envomed 80.
Envomed has started implementing the Envomed 80 system in large laboratories which have a great deal of hazardous medical waste that needs safe disposal. Recently, Envomed won Takeda’s “Addressing Plastic Waste in the Plasma Industry Challenge” and began joint development of a dedicated system suitable for laboratories worldwide, to be implemented in 200 Takeda labs in the United States.

Customers Testify
“Since the system is installed inside the hospital, we manage to generate significant financial savings in the treatment of medical waste.”

“First in the market in terms of size. That means it can fit almost anywhere.”

“The installation and operation are quite simple and robust.”

“thanks to this solution, we are fulfilling one of our goals of being a green hospital.”